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Ruach Ruach (Hebrew [רוּחַ])

Ruach is the Hebrew word translated as breath (Ezekiel 37:5-6) and wind (John 3:8) in the Scripture. In the context of Christianity, it is commonly interpreted as a representation of the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2).

My Confession-Study Hard to Give

Initially, my educational journey was driven by the desire to use the knowledge I gained to benefit others. However, as I immersed myself in the world of research, I quickly realized that academic research is fiercely competitive, often demanding significant physical and mental dedication. In this challenging environment, there's a persistent concern that my time and efforts will be primarily assessed based on the publication. Additionally, the pressure of graduation further exacerbated my worries. This shift in perspective led me to place greater importance on results rather than practicing kindness, compassion, and empathy towards others. Consequently, I found myself repeatedly making unattainable and insincere commitments to assist others once I reached significant milestones. However, upon achieving a particular milestone, the time and effort I had invested in attaining it became so precious. Moreover, I started to believe that all my opportunities and knowledge were solely the result of my own efforts and that I deserved them. Once this mindset took hold, I completely lost sight of my initial goals and developed a strong reluctance to share what I had gained with others. However, I have now come to understand that this privilege was not solely the outcome of my personal endeavors but was also graciously bestowed upon me. I now realize that if these commitments are not gradually put into practice in daily lives, it can be challenging to uphold them after reaching those milestones. I aspire for this blog post not to come across as a boast about my knowledge but rather to offer a small but meaningful assistance to anyone who may find it helpful. I would like to end my confession by sharing my most cherished Bible verse.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Psalm 20:7 (NIV)